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Professional Development 



Activity: What is a blog?

* Access prior knowledge using Socrative

* Socrative is an Instant Response System used to gather data and interact with students online.

* Socrative homepage:

Teachers can create a free account by using their email address.

* A teacher's Socrative homepage looks like this:

Student join a teacher's virtual room by typing in their teacher's room name.

The Room Name is located on the header of a teacher's homepage. Each teacher has a different Room Name. Students will enter this number in the Socrative homepage.

Video: What is a blog?

Blogging in a Nutshell

Hands-on Training

*Task 1: Find Examples of Blogs

* Duration: 15 minuntes

* Surf the web for blogs related to education; for example, type "examples of educational blogs"  

   on Google.

Post the URL address of any blogs you find interesting in our TodaysMeet webpage.

* Snail Race Timer


To create your own room on TodaysMeet, visit Create a name for your room and include how long you'd like it to remain open. Your room name should not inclue any spaces.

Each TodaysMeet room has a unique URL address. The URL address is located on your TodaysMeet page. Students can visit your webpage to type their comments/discussions.

*Task 2: Create Your Own Blog using Kidblog

* Duration: 45 minuntes

* Visit the Kidblog homepage.

* Create a Teacher account.

* Post your first blog. Your blog should be titled "How Will I Use Blogging in My Class?"

* You will be guided into inserting text, images, and videos in your blog.

* Other blogging platforms include Blogger, Wordpress, & Edublogs.

*Task 3: Create Student Accounts Within Your Blog

* Duration: 15 minuntes

* Login to your Kidblog account.

* You will be guided into creating accounts for students within our Kidblog account. 

* Creating student accounts does not involve using a student's email.


Space Race!


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